Library Communications Learning – January 2014

More Library Learning Time This Winter!
I’m happy I get to spend time surrounded by librarians and learning more on what’s hot – or no – this winter. Participating in ASCLA workshop at ALA Midwinter (January 23-24 , Philadelphia) Going to sessions, exhibits, interest group meetings to learn, as I listen to librarians working on marketing, communications, PR issues, design in the library and more. I spent a whole day networking with other library consultants and picking their brains on how they handle various library client projects.
I joined ASCLA (Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies) during my ALA renewal period – odd, but hey that’s where library consultants live within ALA!
There was a lunch and learn with the consultants SIG of ASCLA on Sat of ALA Mindwinter. I picked up some good speaking skills tips from consultant and entrepreneur Jamie Hollier. [Follow Jaime on Twitter.]
- Relax your body and mind, then get focused.
- Think like an actor or improv artist. Be expansive and open up your body before speaking.
- We practiced power poses and being big and open as we walked and talked.
I sat in on the Marketing Discussion Group forum from ACRL – listening to tips and sample work on design for non-designers in the library world. The Library Communicators Network had their inaugural gathering at ALA-MW14.
I plan on transitioning full-time to library consulting, with a marketing/communications focus, here at IntelliCraft Research. This is the best way to combine all my years of experience in two worlds!

Can’t take credit for Tardis – just hoagie notes