
What If Library Marketing Education and Training Was Easier to Find?
Marketing can seem mysterious. Challenging. Maybe even make your eyes cross and water as you juggle plans, tasks, keeping up with trends, figuring out the latest social media changes, and wondering how you and your staff will stay on top and be effective communicators and advocates for your libraries.
Directors, Deans, Library Board Chairs – you know you need forward-facing, forward-thinking library marketing and advocacy, and the forward-thinking, inspired and confident staff to implement those plans. You’re already doing so much to stay on top and up to date in your collections, spaces, and technology. But do your staff and teams know the latest trends in marketing, affecting nonprofits like libraries, as well as larger corporations? Can you keep up with the latest in marketing technology and tools?
Are you keeping your professional development, continuing education, or in-service training up to date as well? If you’re worrying about all of that – you’re in the right place and I can help!
Empower your staff to be comfortable and confident to tell your library’s story
Give your teams the skills and training in marketing and communications that they need for success at every point of interaction with users, customers, key stakeholders, and the general community of your library.
Imagine a true partner with your nonprofit organization, for developing sound, smart, achievable marketing strategies and actions to drive better community engagement, active participation, and sharing stories widely.
Let’s take a holistic, integrated, big picture look at what makes for effective library marketing and at teaching marketing skills. I don’t dwell on theory, I prefer to bust myths and talk real-world strategies and tactics, and share what I see working. I want you and your teams to see time-savings, cost-efficiencies, more effective results, more confidence, and short-term actions leading to long term success.
I bring to your organization a mix of marketing strategies, the how-to factor, cool tools, and a desire for you and your teams to feel confident and become library marketing and advocacy super stars. We do this together through strategic consulting packages, or practical, hands-on training delivered as webinars, seminars, in-person workshops, professional development days, or one-to-one coaching.
My mantra – besides putting strategy and goals first – is: No fluff, no B.S., no over-emphasis on theory, no wasting time, and no leaving you with binders that just sit on shelves.
Library Marketing Services Offered:
Value-Added, Strategy-First Marketing Consulting
For long-range library strategic plans and overhauling an entire marketing and communications plan, let’s find a consulting package that fits your situation perfectly. What research and analysis have you already done, or need to update, what your current situational analysis is telling you, setting SMART-er goals and more – let’s dig in and craft plans that guide your organization forward and give your teams something they can really work with. Together we quickly assess where you are, where you and your teams want (and need) to go, and then we work together to get you there.
Training, Professional Development – in-service education, in-person
On-site education and training for groups – to deliver skills, news, and trends to your team, whole staff, leadership, boards, or even volunteers, in a shared learning experience that is practical, efficient, budget-friendly, personalized to your needs, and convenient. I bring the education and training to you – to meet your scheduling needs and budget. On-site classes can be a time-saver when you can bring multiple individuals or groups together to work on skills, team-building, and sharing of knowledge. It’s a time and cost-effective way to deliver needed training.
Training, Continuing Education – online learning
We can take many of the same topics that are offered as longer on-site development or training and customize them for shorter, online learning sessions. Online training can be delivered as a one-time session with either a broad overview of a topic (such as social media marketing), or a narrower focus (setting SMART marketing goals). Online learning can be packaged into a series of lessons that build on one another or are connected by topic.
Speaking – keynotes, panels at conferences and library association events
I love going to library events – large and small, near and far – for the networking, idea sharing, listening to the challenges and hot topics my library colleagues who are out there in the field are facing, and I definitely enjoy speaking at these events. I am always looking for opportunities to partner with and speak at library association conferences and summits – as a featured speaker, a keynoter, to give a pre-conference workshop, or to even answer a CFP. If you want to give high quality, informative, practical marketing insights and tips to your conference attendees, I’d love to talk with you about my ability to deliver those insights.
I’ve worked with and taught webinars, classes, and workshops for hundreds of library staff across the country (and even for library colleagues in South Africa!). I want as many of my colleagues as possible to have the skills they need to sustain and grow their organizations, ensure library viability, and continue their roles as community centers and leaders. I do the research, keep up on trends, talk to other experts, and share so that you and your teams gain the skills you need and feel confident using them for strategic, story-driven marketing and communications. Read more on my unusual background and training here.
Done For Your Marketing
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